Image credit: Sven Emmerich, Markus Gradwohl

Dates and Tickets


rhiz Vienna
Sturmherta + Jakob Schauer
Venue: Rhiz
U-Bahnbogen 37, 1080 Wien, Österreich
Starts: 08:00 PM

Austrian artist Sturmherta (Daniel Haas, *1992, Austria/Linz), stu-
dies timebased and interactive media arts at university of arts Linz.

Sturmherta originated from the modular-synth community in 2017
as a synth-project. With growing interests in other related areas, like
programming and visualisation, his works gained more variatey. They

now reach from pure sound performances over audio-visual compo-
sitions to immersive installations using big projections or physical

The passion of tweaking and pushing machines to their weirdest
corners, beyond their usual functions, discovering unknown fields of
sonic pleasure, is the origin of Sturmhertas motivation.
Haas works with a wide variety of hardware and software, such as
modular synthesizers, open circuits, contact microphones, Max/MSP
and PureData. He also uses field recordings, samples from sound
carriers or radios, background noise and noise from feedback loops.

With these tools he creates shifted rhythms, dark, strange atmo-
spheres and organic textures which he visualizes with audio-reactive

graphics or hyper-realistic animations.

Jakob Schauer is a musician, performer and sound artist from Vienna with an extensive CV of solo and collaborative performances featuring fixed media as well as audio-visual formats of pure electronics, both improvised and composed. 

His visually and emotionally evocative sceneries are created by analog and synthetic sources in an attempt to build hyper-realistic atmospheres. Interested in sounds as objects and in sonic gestures, his approach to sound is visual, spatial and interdisciplinary.

He has performed at a wide range of city and festivals that include Klangmanifeste, Lichtfest Krems, Playground AV Festival, Sonic Territories or Oktolog Festival and designed spatial sound installation, multi media installations and art works in virtual reality for various contexts.

His discography includes releases on ForWind, Smallforms, Moozak and Beachbuddiesrecords where his focus has been on music and sound that falls under the contemporary, electro-acoustic, ambient and noise umbrella.

His ForWind debut with the powerful seven track trip, ‘In death I am caressing you’. A considerable amount of time was spent developing the music and ideas into a magnetic mix of deep drones, eerie atmospherics and blissful melancholy with a good dash of humour in the surreal and vibrant cover photos.

Further he is the curator of the concert row „Wow! Signal“ and the annual “Wow Signal Festival” for audiovisual arts.