Termine und Tickets


Voodoo Hop presents:
Barrence Whitfield and the Savages (Boston - USA)
Support: Salami Recorder & the HI FI Phonos
Veranstaltungsort: B72
Hernalser Gürtel 72-73, 1080 Wien, Österreich

Einlass: 20:00 Uhr
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr

!!!1st Time in Austria!!!
In den frühen 80er Jahren gegründet als ex-Leadgitarrist der Punkrockband DMZ Peter Greenberg, den singenden Barrence Whitfield in seinem Plattenladen in Boston entdeckte und ihn in seine Band „The Savages“ holte. Danach folgten viele explosive und raue Bühnenauftritte bis Greenberg 1986 aussteig.
Barrence Whitfield hielt die Band über die Jahre glücklicher weise am Leben, nahm großartige Alben auf und tourte um die Welt. 2010 beschlossen Whifield & Greenberg nach einer 25-jährigen Pause sich in der amerikanischen Wüste zu treffen und einige Shows im Südwesten der USA zu spielen. Seitdem entstanden wieder einige neue Alben und die Band tourte ausgiebig in den USA und Europa. Macht euch bereit für eine unglaublich heiße Mischung aus Rhythm and Blues, Soul, Blues und Rock gepaart mit Punk und Garagensound!
Vermutlich wird es seine letzte Tour in Europa!!!
Salamirecorder bietet vielseitigen Garagepunk vom Feinsten. Nach dem Motto „Do It Yourself“ macht sich der 19 jährige Künstler nun schon seit seinem 15. Lebensjahr einen Namen in der österreichischen Musikszene.
Wer ein Fan von ehrlichem Sound und echtem Garagenpunk mit originalgetreuem Musikequipment der 60/70er ist, findet in seiner Musik sicher den ein oder anderen Song bei dem sich der Kopf sofort anfängt im Takt mit zu bewegen.
- nailhead magazine
Salamirecorder offers versatile garage punk at its finest. Following the motto "Do It Yourself", the 19-year-old artist from has been making a name for himself in the Austrian music scene since he was 15 years old. If you're a fan of honest sound and real garage punk with true-to-the-original musical equipment from the 60s/70s, you're sure to find that his music makes your head start moving to the beat.
About Barrence Whitfield And The Savages:
Back in 1983, Barry White (a.k.a. Barrence Whitfield) and Peter Greenberg were working at Nuggets, a record store, in Kenmore Square in Boston. Greenberg, who had previously played guitar in DMZ and The Customs, had recently quit his job playing guitar with Lyres and had begun to form an instrumental Rock n’ Roll band with ex-Lyres Phil Lenker on bass, Howie Ferguson (and Real Kids too) on drums. Once Barry White began some impromptu singing at the record store, Barrence Whitfield and the Savages took off—killing any idea of an instrumental group.The first iteration of the Savages went on to record two critically acclaimed, blockbuster LPs that combined the best of 50/60s rocking R&B with high-octane garage/punk. The first LP, Barrence Whitfield and the Savages was released on Mamou Records in 1984 and was re-released in 2010 on Ace Records with additional material. John Swenson wrote in the Ace liner notes “that in the dark days of the early 1980s… The Savages kept Rock n Roll alive.” The original Savages recorded a second LP in 1985, Dig Yourself on Rounder Records that also rocked in an Esquerita-like manner.
According to Andy Kershaw of the BBC’s Old Grey Whistle Test, “What positioned Barrence and the band way beyond any other rock’n’roll of the era was a unique marriage of Barrence’s personality and R&B shouter elan to the bounce and insolence of Peter Greenberg’s essentially rockabilly guitar style. With the addition of much ill-mannered saxophone, we have here a band which embodied the heart and soul of rock’n’roll.”
In 1986, Greenberg and Lenker moved on, and the original Savages disbanded soon after. Little did they know that this would be temporary. Thankfully, Barrence kept it alive over the years producing a wide-range of mighty-fine recorded output while continuing to tour worldwide and becoming internationally renowned for his wild performances.
Barrence Whitfield & the Savages LIVE!In 2010, after a 25-year hiatus, Whitfield, Lenker, and Greenberg decided to hang out in the desert and play some shows in the Southwest. This led to the recording of the Savage Kings LP in Cincinnati in December 2010. Cincinnati, Ohio, home to King Records, served up the chance for the Savages to honor and channel their heroes who recorded on King as well as produce a great Rock & Roll record.
The core Savages lineup of Whitfield, Lenker, and Greenberg was now ready to go, supported by an All Star team on Savage Kings that included Andy Jody on drums and Tom Quartulli on sax. Check out their star-studded BIOS! The LP was released in the summer of 2011 on Munster Records in Europe and Shake It! Records in the USA.
Since the release of Savage Kings the guys have been extensively touring Europe and the USA.
In April 2013, Barrence Whitfield and the Savages became Bloodshot Records Recording Artists and that famed label will release the albums worldwide.
Line up :
Barrence Whitfield : Voice
Peter Greenberg : Guitar
Phil Lenker : Bass
Tom Quartulli : Sax
Eric Boitier : Drums