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Fecunda Lab
PornCorn#4 - Watch&Talk
Neurosex Pornoia
Lugar de evento: The Hole - Institut für Sehsüchte
Schlesische Str. 37, 10997 Berlin, Alemania

Doors: 07:30 PM
Inicio: 08:00 PM
Artist: Neurosex Pornoia

Fecunda Lab and Mindpirates invite you to PornCorn:

PornCorn aims to normalise porn through contemporary screenings of alternative pornography short films (Queer, Fun, Feminist, Gay, Kinki, or Fetish, among others) of one selected film director in public spaces. We believe a porn film can be appreciated just as a film – with the ability to evoke emotion. Therefore, pornography can help launch a useful discussion where people reflect their own perspectives about identity and sexuality.

Each edition would be lead by a special guest. In our third edition, we have the pleasure to introduce Neurosex Pornia.

Synopsis: Neurosex Pornoia is a postpornographic transfeminist film project which started in 2013. A storyline is developed in three films that explore new sexual subjectivities through the technology of brain implants and neurocodes. In the first film, Neurosex Pornoia 1 (2014, 9:45min) we witness the creation of a neurosex code through the recording of the neurological data of two human sources while they fuck. In the Neurosex Pornoia 2 (2015, 10:46), we meet Z, who is caught in a spiral of desperation and frustration, imprisoned in a neurologically improved society, and join her in the secret world of neurosex code users and online infrastructure. In Neurosex3 (2017, 38min) the viewer is introduced to the neuroanarcoqueer community and their use of brain implants as means for pleasure and explorations of sexuality, as well as the state laboratories running medical experiments. What can turn a technology of control into tools of resistance and subversion? Neurosex3 reflects on the tensions of different queer bodies with experiments, technologies and the laboratory as places of violence, desire, creativity and power. 

Eric Pussyboy is a trans filmmaker and researcher from Spain living in Berlin. He is finishing his Master in Gender Studies in which he explores the history of trans* as an epistemic object, as well as the intersectional realities of trans* people and the political and epistemological implications thereof. He uses film to approach these same topics without the constrains of academic rules, using the medium to explore affects and visions and a tool of collaborative experimenting.

Abigail Gnash is a Berlin-based, Philly-born queer & horror film curator, musician, and filmmaker. When not directing queer clown porn, such as Party Favors (2016), she also teaches the drums and co-curates Final Girls Berlin Film Fest and Queer Film Klub.

Come to The Hole
Get tickets in advance to ensure your entrance: 6€


If you want to know how to participate in the event series, get in touch: fecundalab@gmail.com
Stay tuned for upcoming events -> Fecunda Lab

*About Fecunda Lab
Fecunda Lab is a platform to exchange ideas, enabling professional and personal transformations in a stimulating environment. Fecunda Lab aims to connect with a diverse and creative scene of humans in Berlin from various cultural and professional backgrounds.
The purpose of our events and workshops is to break boundaries between disciplines and cultures as well as providing participants with the stepping stones required to establish themselves as creative professionals in Berlin.

Fecunda Lab, celebrating the attraction of the contrary