The 10th Vienna Music Business Research Days will be held at mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Austria, from September 11 to 13, 2019.
Music Business Research is an inter-discipline at the intersection of economic, artistic, cultural, social, legal, technological and further developments which contribute to the creation/production, dissemination/ distribution and reception/consumption of music. This interdisciplinary nature calls for methodological multiplicity and is open to scholars from all scientific areas.
The conference organizers invite scholars (from the postdoctoral level on) who have a research focus on music business/industry related topics to submit a paper proposal for the conference day on September 12, 2019.
Scholarly submissions on this year’s conference theme “Future of Music Business” are equally welcome as on other aspects of music business research.
Indicative themes include but are not limited to:
Please send an abstract of your proposal to no later than April 29, 2019.
All submissions must include a title, authors (names, affiliations, e-mails of all authors and a notation (*) of the corresponding author), an abstract of 1,000-1,500 words and 3-5 keywords. Abstracts must be submitted in English, as a MS Word file (*.doc or *.docx) or *.pdf file, and include:
Abstracts will be subject to a double-blind peer-review process by an international jury, and authors will be notified of acceptance by May 20, 2019.
Final papers should be sent before July 31, 2019. They should not exceed 7,000 words (including abstracts, figures, tables, references and appendices) and follow the author guidelines of the International Journal of Music Business Research (IJMBR). You may also want to consider publication in IJMBR after the conference.
April 29, 2019 Abstract submission deadline
May 20, 2019 Notification of acceptance
July 31, 2019 Submission deadline for full papers
September 11, 2019 Young Scholars’ Workshop
September 12, 2019 Conference day
September 13, 2019 Conference day for invited speakers on “Future of Music Business”
The registration fee includes conference attendance, reception, coffee breaks and lunch on conference days as well as the Heurigen-Dinner on September 13, 2019.
Registration fee – early bird (until July 31, 2019): 175,- Euro
Registration fee: 225,- Euro
End of registration (no refund after this date): August 31, 2019