Fechas y Entradas


Putan Club x Lilac Vegtal @ Bertholdsaal Weyer
Lugar de evento: BERTHOLDSAAL
Oberer Kirchenweg 6, 3335 Weyer, Österreich
Inicio: 20:00 Uhr
Künstler: Putan Club, Lilac Vegetal

Laut. Experimentell. Kritisch. Abgedreht.

Adjektive, die aus unserer Sicht für ein gutes Konzerterlebnis stehen. Am 12.April könnt ihr euch selbst ein Bild davon machen. Der PUTAN CLUB gastiert im Bertholdsaal und zieht euch - im Zuschauer*innebereich wohlgemerkt - die Potschn aus. Außerdem kommen drei gutaussehende junge Menschen aus der näheren Niederösterreichischen Umgebung und "ballern euch auf die wahre Basis". Wie das aussieht? LILAC VEGETAL zeigens euch gerne.

SPECIAL: Besucher*innen unter 20 Jahren zahlen KEINEN EINTRITT

Date: 12.04.2024
Doors: 20:00
Start: 20:30

Tickets Vvk: 13€
Tickets AK: 15€

Supporting ideas of grassroots-level self-organizing, mutual aid, solidarity, sustainable development, animal-friendly lifestyles, anti-authoritarianism, autonomy, feminism & revolution and other initiatives that aim to create a more just and free society. If you oppose any form of social discrimination and views that generate discrimination, hatred or division and you support people saying no to racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, party politics, capitalism and organized religion, I suggest to keep in touch.

Nota Bene: the PUTAN CLUB is  NOT a  PUNK band, but takes everything it needs: avant, techno, ethno, jazz, metal, classical.........
The Putan Club is a  TEST BENCH.

The three piece stoner/noise rock band from Lower Austria, Lilac Vegetal move between doom and drone, striving to explore density and minimalism, friction and consonance, improvisation and structure through deflections in all directions. With their long awaited self-titled debut album they guide us into an eerie and deeply gripping void. The band creates a soundscape like no other – in trying to see what’s coming next one just gets lost in the exquisite chaos of it all. The skillful play between gloom and lightness creates something massive and mysterious that makes this debut so very absorbing.