
Termine und Tickets


Elevate Festival 2014
Künstler: tba

10 years disco and discourse in Graz - The Elevate
Festival celebrates its 10th anniversary.

Danceable club music, experimental sound art and world improvement - since 2005 the city of Graz is home to a festival that is one of a kind within Europe. Over several days human rights activists, climatologists, technology and media specialists, and political scientists as well as pioneers of electronic music, small DIY labels and avant-garde musicians of various subgenres occupy the tranquil town on the river Mur. Lectures, panel discussions, film screenings and workshops during the day, award ceremonies, concerts, performances, and DJ line-ups in the evening – with this concept the Elevate Festival became one of the most influential forerunners for intelligent participation in the context of advanced club culture.

Music & Arts:
Aurora Halal (US) AUX 88 (US) Bitz & Puschmann (AT) Broken.Heart.Collector (AT) Cascao & Lady Maru (IT) Clara Moto (AT) Container (US) Cooly G (UK) DJ Scotch Bonnet (JP) doze (AT) Elektro Guzzi (AT) Emptyset (UK) Feloneezy & Jackie Dagger (RS) Forever Traxx (AT) Fracture (UK) Fred P. aka Black Jazz Consortium (US) Fuckhead (AT) Homeboy (HR) Ikonika (UK) Interpenetration DJ Team (AT) IZC (AT) Jerobeam Fenderson (AT) Kode9 (UK) Lichens (US) Macello Basstrojani (AT) Mala (UK) Mentalien (HU) Mika Vainio (FI) Mimu + Lukas Lauermann (AT) Motor City Drum Ensemble (DE) Nino Sebelic & TJ Hicks (AT) Noveller (US) OchoReSotto (AT) orjo (AT) Rebekah Aff (DE) Rhys Chatham (US) Scratcha DVA (UK) Shit And Shine (US) Source Direct (UK) Tessela (UK) The Striggles (AT) Tin Man (FI) Torn Hawk (US) Traxx (US) Vessel (UK) [[[Altar:Thron]]] (AT) 3 RAR (AU)

hoergeREDE 14 "Festival for sound // art // and new literature"
Anna Kim (KR/AT) Antonia Cattan (BR) bagg*fish (AT/IT/US) Burkhard Stangl (AT) Christof Kurzmann (AT) Christof Szalay (AT) Golden Disko Ship (DE) Jörg Piringer (AT) Jurczok 1001 (CH) Kate Tempest (UK) Pia Palme (AT) Raoul Schrott (AT) Roberta Busechian (IT) Ursula Rucker (US)

Discourse & Activism
Amy Goodman (US), John Holloway (MX), Kate Tempest (UK), Micah Lee (US), Shoshana Zuboff (US), Pat Mooney (CA), Silke Helfrich (DE), Nafeez Ahmed (UK), Ulrich Brand (DE), Erich Moechel (AT), Irmi Salzer (AT), Michel Bauwens (BE), Miriam Rasch (NL), Felix Stalder (CH), Antonino d' Ambrosio (US), Joana Varon (BR), Friederike Habermann (DE), Susanne Jordan (DE), Tsvetan Usunov (BG), Ulli Klein (AT), Markus Sabadello (AT), Jan Suhr (DE), Claudia Garád (AT), Regina Joschika (AT), and many more;
+ video message: Vandana Shiva (IN)

for more info visit www.elevate.at